My friend and colleague
Laura Crossett posted about her upcoming travels and I was inspired to do the same. This should probably go on my much-neglected
IL blog, but I am too ashamed to face that thing right now.
This week is crazy. I'll be at
ReVisioning the (W)hole II: Curious Intersections, on campus here at the University of Wyoming. On Thursday, September 25, I co-present "Interdisciplinary or Inextricable? Considering Research and Writing Within and Without the Disciplines"
with Rick Fisher; we're paired with Lisa Hunt, whose program is "The Parchment Project: Engaging Experimental Archaeology through Independent Study ." I think our programs work really well together and the whole conference looks amazing.
Speaking of amazing, there are too many fun things happening on campus this week, including a
visit by Salman Rushdie,
Religious Studies speakers, a
New York Times reporter speaker, and oh, yeah, my actual job to attend to. I'm co-facilitating a second book discussion of
The Satanic Verses tonight, which should be pretty fun.
Next up is the
Wyoming Library Association annual conference. As Laura said, she and I will co-present "2.0 Toolkit for Libraries Large and Small" on Thursday, October 2nd. Turns out we get to offer our program twice during the conference. It's always fun to see the librarians from around Wyoming, too.
Then I get to go to Denver on Friday, October 10 for
Library Camp of the West! I'm really excited about this meeting, because it's all about starting conversations with other librarians in my region. Also, I'm not presenting at this one, because it's not that kind of event. It will be my second change in as many weeks to see Laura, too. I'm looking forward to seeing people I know and like from Colorado (like Steve), as well as meeting new people, too.
Soon after that, Cass Kvenild and I will present at the
Colorado Association of Libraries annual conference, on Friday, November 7. Our workshop is called "Embedded Librarians: Moving Beyond One-shot Library Instruction."
I get a much-needed break from conferences and presentations for a while after that, but I will attend
ALA Midwinter in Denver, though I'm not presenting anything there. I'll be working on the ACRL conference poster session committee work, as well as whatever we having going in my other committees by then. I'm kind of thankful that Cass and I didn't get our ACRL roundtable proposal accepted for Midwinter, because I ended up with lots on my plate as it is.
I am happy that Rick and I got our program accepted at
ACRL 2009, though! The schedule's not available yet, but I can report that our program is called ""Widening the Net: A Research-based Collaboration to Foster Success Among At-risk Learners," and it's based on survey research we're doing on first-year college students' reading habits, attitudes, and experiences.
So, that's where I'll be. I try to keep my
upcoming calendar (in my sidebar) updated, but it's kind of interesting to write out what I have going on from time to time. It makes me alternately excited and tired to see my schedule in print.