When the lightning stopped, I drove back to campus. I had to stop at Engineering, so I wandered the wet campus and took some pictures on the way back to the library. The sculpture installations are moving on and I was able to snap the latest.

Patrick Dougherty's sapling sculpture smelled wonderful after the rain. I spent some time just walking through and around it. It's pretty cool--reminds me of the haystack structures outside the Museum of Glass.

I like the new sculpture a lot, too. I don't know which artist did it, but it's cool. Very amoeba-like. Walking around in the fresh, wet air made me feel so much better. It was too bad I had to go inside.

The reference desk didn't do my headache any favors, and I started getting more naseated the longer I sat inside. Finally, I realized there was no way I could go to the student dance showcase, which made me sad. I like to take advantage of every opportunity to see dance in this town, but I know I would have felt crappy the whole time. It sucked to flake on the friend I was going with, also.
Once I'd been home, ate some soup, and rested in front of a fan, Peter called. He wanted to come over and borrow some music. We baked some cookies, too. Yum. So the day ended on a good note after all.
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